Friday, September 16, 2011

You Know You Are A Christian When

Foul language makes you cringe.

Your Bible is your most prized possession and no other Bible will do, you have to read yours, and you would seriously die before you would give it up. No matter how old and "raggedy" it may be.

Seeing people dress to look good for others rather than be pleasing to the Lord is upsetting to you because you know they are blind to His word.

Despite what they think, you really do love homosexuals and pray for their eyes to be open to the true word of God. Not the misconstrued versions they have written themselves.

You know God's word without having to look it up in the Bible every time you want to talk about something it says. (Nobody can remember EVERYTHING, but you know what I mean)

You wake up singing songs of praise to the Lord every morning.

You cannot lie. You just cannot do it because you know its wrong according to God.

When you see a celebrity on tv or hear one on the radio promoting lust & fornication to kids it breaks your heart.

You love having Christian friends come over just to sit and talk about God.

You can not go a day without reading your Bible, no matter how busy or sick you are.

You are truly saddened when members of your family will not talk about God because you know they are not saved.

You do not understand atheism, especially considering Bible prophecies written 1,000s of years ago are coming true.

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